Friday, October 28, 2005

Isn't she gorgeous?!

Someday soon my daughter, Ava Beth, will want a kitchen of her own! A make believe kitchen with a stove, sink, refrigerator, fake food, and maybe even a dishwasher. Oh and I can't wait for the day she begs for an Easy Bake Oven! I always wanted one of those as a little girl so it will be fun teaching her how to use her's someday. I can easily live my Easy Bake dream through her! Cooking and Baking is something I truly love. Finding new recipes or sharing one with a friend or a friend sharing a new one with me is something I appreciate a great deal. Just today I spent the day with a very good friend that is a fabulous cook. I like to call her Rachel Ray because my friend Courtney is the true meaning of a cook. She is creative, she knows short cuts, she knows things to add to her food that will make it have a certain taste, she just knows how to make food taste good. Often I am overwhelmed when I get a new recipe or get one off of a show on The Food Network because it is so detailed. But Courtney has spurred on a new "Go get 'em" attitude for me when it comes to making new things. When cooking dinner, I sometimes call her and ask how she would cook this or that. She is my go to for cooking! So thank you Court! You are one that has added so much flavor to the Hayes' weekly menu. Jeremy appreciates you too!

So now I am too old for an Easy Bake Oven and I would probably grow bored with baking cakes , that just need water added, real soon. Now I am on to bigger and better things, a KitchenAid Mixer! My dream, my desire, my want, my need, my everything is this fabulous stand up mixer! She is gorgeous and I can hear her mixing right now (in my mind). She is full of pumpkin, flour, sugar, vanilla, baking powder, baking soda, etc. and she is mixing the most delicious pumpkin bread you've ever tasted!!! Wow, she works beautifully. While she was mixing, I was spraying my pans with Baker's Joy (the pump instead of the spray is better, Courtney says), pre-heating the oven, and taking a sip of my Pumpkin Spice Latte, while "Paula" (this is what I would name her, after Paula Deen) was mixing my pumpkin bread. Usually the pumpkin bread injures my arm as I stir and stir and stir and stir and stir and stir the ingredients. Have you ever heard of carpal tunnel? This beautiful mixer would actually make my health better so I know it is a must have! Doesn't the bible tell us that God will give us the desires of our heart? And what about giving us bread instead of a stone? Oh and keep asking, keep knocking!!!??? Thanksgiving is almost here and it is at MY HOUSE this year, I think that "Paula" needs to find a home here, in my kitchen.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh Amanda, You are sooo sweet. As I recall, I know someone that makes a great rum cake. (who could that be?) I must tell you that I get most of my recipes from my mom. She is an awesome cook. One day you can share all of your's with AvaBeth. Don't give up on the mixer & please send me your pumkin bread recipe!