Thursday, January 05, 2006

Spiritual Well Check

Today was Ava Beth's one year check up, almost two weeks late but we got it done! The nurse asked many questions pertaining to her development. "Does she say between one and three words? Does she nap well? Does she sleep well at night? How is her temperament? Does she stand alone? Is she on whole milk? How much milk does she drink each day?" With each answer I gave, the nurse smiled and said, "Great!" Then after the questions came to an end it was time for the measurements. They weighed my little girl and then checked her length and the size of her head. All were perfect! After that was finished the sweet nurse said, "She's right where she is supposed to be Mom. She's perfect!" Finally we were almost out of the stuffy exam room! We had just one more person to check her out for the one year well check, the nurse practioner. She listened to her heart, her breathing, felt of her belly, felt of her head, checked her ears and looked over her chart. "She's a perfect little angel, Mom." A sigh of relief to know my baby girl is growing, developing right on track and maybe in some areas a little more than the average. What can I say? She's tall!

With a brand new year ahead of us, wouldn't it be beneficial to have a spiritual well check? You sit down with your Pastor and he asks you a few questions and by the end of the session, you know how you are doing. I think it would go something like this. Here are a series of questions that I believe may reveal where you are at!

The Pastor says,
"How is your speech? What kind of words are coming out when you speak to your husband or when you talk in secret to someone else?
Do you sleep well or do you toss and turn due to stress and worry?
How is your overall mood? Do you have joy?
Do you still struggle with standing alone or are you relying on Jesus for your every need?
Are you feeding yourself on the Word or is it just filled with devotions and books? Are you truly in the WORD?
How often do you feed on the word? Daily, weekly, or just in a time of crisis?
Who do you spend time with?
Are you sharing Jesus with others?
Do you love God's people?
How are you doing at forgiving those who have hurt you?"

Then he listens to your heart. And with the sound of your heart, He knows if you are right where you need to be or if you need to catch up.

Today, I thought a lot about what the results of my well check would be. As I draw closer and closer to Jesus, I see the things that have to change in order to be more like Him. In fact, I believe I will be doing this for the rest of my life. How about you?

My report? "I am worthless, I will never change. I will never be set free of those things that hold me captive."

HIS report? "You are my child and I love you. Come just as you are. You are right where you need to be, walking next to me."


Sonya Terrell said...

Wow, Amanda, your analogy's are always so cool. I think I'm going to copy off your "pastor questions" and meditate on them and answer them during my quiet time. I won't do it right now, with the way I am feeling I don't think I would do very well! :)

Unknown said...

I got one for tomorrow that YOU will love. I am proud of you Sonya. Despite the crap going on, you are still running towards Him! You are a runner!

Christy said...

Amanda, great job... I am still thinking on the one about the shoes. Shared it with a friend who could really relate and I think it helped. Say a little prayer for me... I have something I am dealing with and after your reading your post tonight I realize I am doing alot of tossing and worrying... I just gotta turn it all over and trust the Lord. I know he knows best. God Bless you!

Anonymous said...

Wow! I needed that! I appreciate your love for the Lord and for the insight He gives you. I am so grateful that "He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus"Phil. 1:6
Remember the kid's song, "He's still working on me..." Even pastor's need to ask those questions to themselves.. We all do. God is patient and so faithful in our lives. I am proud of our Lord at work in YOU. You are an inspiration to others and He is using you beyond what you know! God bless your precious family.

Anonymous said...

Oh that is so precious and true. You are a wonderful child of God to have such great insight and outlook. Keep up the good work

Unknown said...

Jen, I am so glad to know it! You have come so far and I just still hate the fact that I was not at this place with myself and with God when I lived only a few miles down the road from you. Thank you for forgiving me for how I was in the past. I love you my sister.