Friday, April 28, 2006


It's the weekend, so find some time for a long bath. Rest. Make the time! Celebrate the woman God has created you to be and don't listen to any negative voices, including your own. Just rest. You are a child of a King, a daughter of a King! Allow Him to give you rest this weekend and allow Him to love you.

If you are behind on your reading, it's okay. If you are having a difficult time staying with us, it's okay. Rest. This is not about legalism, it's about acceptance and you can always come just as you are. Email me if I can encourage you or pray for you.

It's been a hard day for me today and I am so ready to rest under the shadow of His wings. How about you? Use this weekend to rest in His arms.



Sally said...

Surfing around the blogosphere and you speak just the words I needed to hear. Thank you

Christy said...

OH man this one was good, I ran all weekend and will be gone to OKC for Monday night til Wed night... can't wait til after that b/c I will get to rest for weeks! I took your advice too, been saying no alot!