Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Psalm 91

(***update- Josiah slept in his bed all night. NO FEAR! It's 7:51am and he is still sleeping. He did not even come get in bed with me after Daddy left for work at 7am. Thank you Lord for answering my prayer!)

Our three and a half year old has been going through a tough phase lately. Fear. When I was a child I had every right to have fear. My Dad was an alcoholic, he was always mad and I could hear my Mom sobbing just about every night. So yes I was fearful almost every night when I went to bed. But Josiah does not live in anything close to what I lived in. In fact, he lives in the quite opposite. We spend time praying with him every single night. We talk about the Bible, we read the Bible, we teach him scripture to memorize and he's memorizing it at three and half years old! He may not have truly made the connection with God but he sure is getting close. I even heard him asked his friend Jackson a very important question. They were eating peanut butter sandwiches, drinking milk and discussing Thomas The Tank Engine. Josiah took a bite of his sandwich, swallowed his bite and then asked, "Jackson, do you have a church?"
I don't remember exactly how Jackson answered but I do remember feeling so proud that my son was concerned with whether or not Jackson went to church. But why is my confident little boy so scared at night? I realize it's normal for his age but at times it has been a bit much. We are all loosing sleep over it!

A few months ago we began having major issues with Josiah wanting to sleep in his bed. Since I was a child that did not live in a healthy and safe home, I am the first one to give in to Josiah's requests to sleep on our floor, next to our bed in his Mr. Incredibles sleeping bag. Jeremy, my husband, needs more convincing. I cave! Now I have learned that I have to limit how much he sleeps in our room. So he's allowed once a week, that's it. When I was his age I longed to sleep with my parents. I wanted to be able to crawl in bed with them when I was scared but that was something I never felt like I could do. That makes it hard for me to say no but Jeremy has taught me that I can't always give in to him in order to make up for the hard times I went through. But when Josiah sleeps in my room or when Jeremy goes to work and that little boy crawls in bed with me, a part of me experiences some healing. Every single morning he gets in bed with me after Jeremy leaves and every single morning he whispers in my ear, "Mommy, I love you." Of course I always get a huge smile on my face and tell him how much I love him too. That has to be my favorite part of the day. Needless to say, but so important to share, Josiah has my heart. What child doesn't have their Mother's heart?

A few weeks ago I shared Josiah's issue with a friend of mine. She explained that many moms in her Bible Study, including her, had faced the same issues with their kids. Through process of elimination and by talking to Josiah over and over again about what was scaring him, we found the answer. Monsters Inc. Even though he knows the monsters in the movie are nice, he sees the kids scream and it scares him. It was an innocent mistake I made. I really had no idea that this movie would cause such a reaction or I never would have allowed him to see it. My friend shared that some of the Moms in her Bible Study have used "Monster Spray." I had prayed over Josiah, prayed over his room, and tried pretty much everything. I even prayed about the Monster Spray. I did not want to do anything that would compromise what the Lord was trying to do. Jeremy and I decided this was worth a try. We prayed and then we sprayed! Febreeze poured into a clear, orange, plastic, spray bottle seemed to do the trick, until Monday night. Until Monday night, he stayed in his bed all night long! Then out of no where, he started to deal with this fear of night all over again. Nap time, never a problem, never! Only night time. This morning I woke up exhausted. He came into our room many times and finally I told him he could sleep on the couch.

All morning I asked the Lord for help. "What should I do? How can I show him that his room is safe Lord? How long will this go on before he stops being afraid." Instantly I thought of Psalm 91. Since I have struggled with fear, my Mom gave me this scripture passage many years ago. She told me to read it and claim it for my life. She told me to walk the floors of my house reading it out loud and I did. That passage set me free in many ways and I when I struggle with fear or know someone else struggling with fear, I pull that passage out. When I read it, I always read it out loud and I always insert my name in every single sentence. It's powerful! Well, tonight I did this with my son. I sat down on the bed and explained to him that he was safe. I assured him there was nothing to be sacred of. I also told him to say his memory verse out loud if he gets scared. "Okay Mommy." Then I pulled out my Bible and told him I wanted to read something to him that would help him to not be afraid. I read Psalm 91 twice and I inserted Josiah's name in every line. Then I prayed for him and we also sprayed the Monster spray. Actually we did that first. I wanted him to be left to sleep with those scriptures on his mind. It's been fifty minutes, I have not heard a peep.

Some would say it was the Monster spray, some would say it was my talk. But I know it was the prayer and the power of God's Word! That's where we find victory! That's what I want my children to learn!

Psalm 91 for Josiah
Josiah who lives in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty. This I declare of the LORD: He alone is Josiah's refuge, Josiah's place of safety;he is Josiah's God, and Josiah is trusting him. For he will rescue Josiah from every trap and protect Josiah from the fatal plague. He will shield Josiah with his wings. He will shelter Josiah with his feathers. His faithful promises are Josiah's armor and protection. Josiah, do not be afraid of the terrors of the night, nor fear the dangers of the day, nor dread the plague that stalks in darkness, nor the disaster that strikes at midday. Though a thousand fall at your side, though ten thousand are dying around you, these evils will not touch Josiah. But Josiah will see it with his eyes; he will see how the wicked are punished. Josiah, if you make the LORD your refuge, if you make the Most High your shelter, no evil will conquer you; no plague will come near your dwelling. For he orders his angels to protect Josiah wherever he goes. They will hold Josiah with their hands to keep Josiah from striking his foot on a stone. Josiah will trample down lions and poisonous snakes; Josiah will crush fierce lions and serpents under his feet! The LORD says, "I will rescue Josiah because he loves me. I will protect Josiah because he trusts in my name. When Josiah calls on me, I will answer; I will be with Josiah in trouble. I will rescue Josiah and honor Josiah. I will satisfy Josiah with a long life and give Josiah my salvation."


This Journey of Mine said...

I must, must comment on this one. I have had a fear issue from past things as well. Even into adulthood. One time at small group, my husband confided in another friend and told him that I was having terrible fear issues at night. That friend told him about Psalm 91 and my dear husband, came home that evening and sat with me in bed and declared Psalm 91 over me. Since then we have used that Psalm for myself but also for my 4 year old and for my almost 2 year old. God's word is perfect for any situation. He is bigger and better then any monster! Also, check out Diane Layton's book, Mommy Why Can't I Watch That TV show?

PS - talk with your son about the Holy Spirit. My 4 year old wanted to know more about the Holy Spirit and was baptized in it already. He fights like a warrior now! That happened during his 3's!
Just a thought!

Anonymous said...

Sorry this is off the subject here but I just wanted to tell you to visit this post to get a prayer button for Emma Grace at Midlife Moments or Amy at Wilhoite Prayer Blog, or Addison at In the Midst of It. If you haven't heard of any of them but any of their stories touch your heart, and you are going to pray for them then be sure to get a "button" for them!
I am hoping to help them out by not only supporting them in prayers but spreading the word of their prayer needs!

momteacherfriend said...

Both of my kids have been through a time of fear. With my son it was spurred by Swipper the fox from Dora. Little girl...booby traps. Perhaps Little Einsteins and her big brother. I think Satan uses the littlest thing to produce fear in our kids. One verse we use is Joshua 1:9. Be strong and couragous. Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.

Fear not God is always with you.

I like what on fire said about the Holy Spirit.

Anonymous said...

I must admit I have irratoinal fear at times. Ok, so nothing like growing up in an abusive home. But for instance, the other night it was lightening so much it was starting fires, I actually SAW it start a fire near my house as I was on my porch.

I'm not usually afraid of storms, and haven't been. But that scared me to know it could have been my home caught on fire...and the lightening just kept coming.

I kept trying to pray, and calm down and I just had to pray.

Thanks for your reminder, and hopefully your little Josiah will not have that fear any longer.

Unknown said...

Whether you grew up in hell or grew up in peace, it doesn't matter. Fear is fear! I think we all struggle with it at some point. For me it was important to udnerstand where my fear came from and through prayer and counseling, I learned that it started when I was a little girl.I know that my kids will not grow up to be perfect or without issues but it's hard for me to see Josiah afraid.

uuu said...

Gods Word is so full of Comfort and we must teach our little ones while they are young to claim it for themselves. I was raised differently, in the church, but differently. However, a dear friend of mine taught me about claiming scriptures for yourself and others. It is trully astounding what the Lord will do when you open your life to Him.

I pray that Josiah will be comforted by the Lord. We too have dealt with fear in both children, we have "monster sprayed" and used (baby powder)"monster powder" and though i would love to think what I did is what made the difference. I know it is through prayer and scriptures.

And rest assured while this time it was Monsters Inc. it can be something simple such as something they heard a friend say that sparks fear.. not always a "mistake" we make!!

Keep up the good work, Mom! :)

Wendy said...

How great that you found that passage. Thanks for sharing this. I think everyone deals with some kind of fear at different times in their life. God's word is perfect for every and all situations in life.

Wendy said...

I just read your update. How wonderful!

Sarah said...

I have prayed for little Josiah today!!

Sometimes I have sleeping problems, afraid of being alone in the dark.
Some people think of me as a strong person because on those nights, even after prayer I'm still scared.
So I turn on the lights.

God is light, that's my way of telling the Devil the Lord is watching over me.

But I'm sure I won't be afraid of the dark for too long.

Anyways, I'm praying for Josiah!!!

Sarah said...

I have prayed for little Josiah today!!

Sometimes I have sleeping problems, afraid of being alone in the dark.
Some people think of me as a weak person because on those nights, even after prayer I'm still scared.
So I turn on the lights.

God is light, that's my way of telling the Devil the Lord is watching over me.

But I'm sure I won't be afraid of the dark for too long.

Anyways, I'm praying for Josiah!!!