Wednesday, May 03, 2006


If you have grown up going to church, you have been singing songs your whole life about the Lord. We sing about the blood of Jesus and how it washes white as snow. We sing about the cross and how our burdens were rolled away. Even as a small child we learn to sing Yes Jesus loves me, the Bible tells me so. But when we sing, do we really mean it? Are we truly singing to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ? Or are we just singing? Until He really means something to us, it's just a bunch of singing. When we truly experience the hand of God something changes! Our singing becomes WORSHIP.

The only way to fall in love with our Lord is to experience Him. For me, the most incredible experiences with my Lord have been when I am hurting. It's happened when I was hurt or sick. It's come when I have been desperate for His love. Through a broken heart, I have felt Him near. The Bible says in Psalm 34:18 that the Lord is close to the brokenhearted. When I have been worried over finances, He has given me peace. Matthew 6:34 says that I should worry about nothing! While I faced the pain of a miscarriage, the Lord comforted me with every tear I cried. Psalm 56:8 says that He bottles every tear I cry. He knows all of my sorrows. And last week when the doctor called to tell me that test results came back indicating precancerous cells were on my cervix once again, I prayed for healing. Isaiah 53:5 But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities;the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed.

So today, my singing is worship! For through my pain, through my fear, through my worry, through my confusion, He has been near, He has provided for me, He has comforted me and TODAY HE HAS HEALED ME!

That's right, I have been healed! Today I went for the colposcopy. I have been fighting precancerous cells on my cervix for two years! As my Doctor looked at my cervix through the scope, he said "Well, I don't see anything. Your cervix looks fine. There is no need for a biopsy today. See you in three months!" Now, let me refresh your memory ladies. Last week, I was told that the test results came back as a class three, which indicates precancerous cells are present. I was also told that I should go ahead and try for baby number three because it seemed as though the dysplasia was going to keep coming back. But, today nothing could be found! HEALED!

My friend Kathy called me last night and said, "When you go tomorrow, they will not find anything. Whatever was there will not be there anymore!" Also, many of you emailed me and agreed in prayer with me that the Lord would heal me. Thank you my dear sisters! He did heal me!

So, today I sing because I know HIM! When you sing to Him, listen to the words and remember all the things He has done for you. That's what worship is all about!

Praise the Lord! He is my healer!

(Thank you for praying for Kathy! The did an xray on her again today and found nothing! We serve a mighty God!)


Anonymous said...

i am so glad!

momteacherfriend said...


Don't let go of your healing for it is truly of Him. Don't let Satan speak lies telling you otherwise. For the Lord is Mighty and worthy to be praised. He is capable of doing all things.

Wendy said...

Praise God!

Anonymous said...

I sure found out that if I worry I hold on to the problem. If I give it to God He takes it and takes care of it. Praise God for his healing and I have medical proof that it was. The Doctor kept biting his glasses and's not there. When they rolled the stone away after Jesus died...the phrase He is not here always meant something to me. My problems can not see my miracles. So today I roll the stone away and let the flesh be gone and say cancer is not here. God has his own timing but I can guarantee that if you give something to God, He gives it His undivided attention.

Kellie said...

Praise YOU LORD! It is so awesome how HE has brought all of us together from many different states so that we can shine HIS glory into every corner.
Awesome GOD, Awesome.

Gwen said...

HE is amazingly awesome! I am so thrilled!

Christy said...

What an awesome God we serve... he is worthy of ALL our praise... I could just shout!

Anonymous said...

Amanda... that is so wonderful!!!

Dionna said...

I am really thrilled for you Amanda. Jesus just gave you a great big hug - didn't HE? He IS Faithful.